Sep 20, 2011

Day 11 to Colburn Village (9th dayhiking - 22K)

We are posting early from Richmond because we could get internet here at the public library. We still have 1 hour to walk (according to the guide book) to our B&B in a "traditional pub". Today we have made our best time ever walking 17 K in about 4 hours. We left the Pennines yeasterday, the country side is now low rolling hills not unlike the terrain around Olds. We learned that the red color in the Swale river (we are still following it) is due to peat coming down from the hills (all those bogs we slogged through and tried to miss). Sheep and dry laid stone walls have been our constant companions since St. Bees but now for the first time we see some wood fences and more cattle. We have been walking mostly through sheep pasture today - easy on the feet. This section of the C2C trail has better signage. The water proof socks were worth their weight in gold when we needed them - but are now safely packed in our bags. We see many of the same hikers off and on. Sometimes we pass them, some times they pass us - or like just now, they turn up in the public library at Richmond. Here all hikers are doing the C2C (some doing half the route) although we did meet one man yesterday doing the Pennine Way.

1 comment:

  1. Improvements, wow! Weather here is cool, sunny and sometimes cloudy. Two insignificant showers since first of the month, very dry. Had one frost and flower basket took the hit. Dew is heavy almost every morning. Expect a 27 plus on the upcoming weekend.
