Sep 19, 2011

Day 10 to Reeth (8th day hiking - 18K)

Sorry for the delay in posts, dear readers, we have been out of internet reception for two days in the backwoods of the Yorkshire Dales (really in the sheep pastures not the woods). Today was almost perfect. We walked all the way from Keld to Reeth along the Swale river, stopping twice at little villages along the way. We chose the lower route (Wainwright called it the 'royal road' to Reeth) to shop at a knitting cooperative in Muker as opposed to the higher route to view mining ruins despite being told how bleak the top route was! The valley is very pretty, green and lush. The Swale river has an unusual red color - like it has iron ore - it reminds us of a rushing mountain river. The knitting co-op sells sweaters, mittens, scarves etc. all hand made by local women from the wool of the Swardels (sturdy hill sheep). Robin, if you are reading this, we have seen very few cows and only one bull - safely (for us) behind a fence and quite indifferent to our presence. We arrived in Reeth, the capital of upper Swaledale, about 4 PM. Our B&B, Hillary House, a lovely 17th century stone house, is run by friendly hosts, Clive and his Mum. The sun is shining and we are both well (knees a bit sore but only 24 K tomorrow). Excellent pizza tonight at a local pub.


  1. Just are your expensive water-proof socks working out?

  2. Good to hear things seem to be going a lot better. Was getting worried after a couple of days of no postings.

  3. Shame you missed the bleak mining ruins. I hope you're coming back with hand knit mittens for the winter. God.. I hope you're taking photos of all this.
